The deadline to submit a committee application is June 30. Hear more from these three and other REALTORS® on why you should sign up for a committee at and apply today.

Applications are now open to apply for one of the Texas REALTORS® committees that serve you and the association in areas such as housing initiatives, member benefits, professional development, MLS & Technology, and more.

Here, three REALTORS® discuss their committee experience and why you should get involved.

Elizabeth McCoy, a sales leader and associated broker for Williams Trew in Fort Worth, has served on the Public Policy Taxation Committee for three years, where she has gained insight into property taxes and how they have affected her clientele.

Kendra Norwood is the owner of RE/MAX Innovations with her husband Devlin Norwood, working out of the Dallas area. She has been a part of multiple committees and has found you can never stop learning about the real estate profession.

Adrian Arriaga is managing director of Sperry Commercial Global Affiliates – The Arriaga Group in McAllen. Arriaga joined the Texas REALTORS® Commercial Committee in 2018 after serving two stints as president of his local association.

Why did you initially join a committee?

“I am an education enthusiast, and I believe there is so much to learn and share in committees,” Norwood says. “I have had the opportunity to network with REALTORS® from across Texas and hear their stories about various aspects of housing. I enjoy hearing other experiences, and it is rewarding being a part of the association’s decision making.”

What is it like to start serving on a committee?

“It has been great,” McCoy says. “From the beginning, I didn’t feel like I knew everything about the topic, so I spent the first year listening, reading all the materials. The staff is outstanding at educating the committee on issues. When you get involved at the state level, you start to see how the machine really operates effectively and is doing so many good things in advocacy and providing resources to members. There is a lot of value there.”

How has your time on a committee impacted your business?

“I have been able to take real information back to my agents and talk about the successes Texas REALTORS® has had and what we as an industry have done to better the position of property owners,” McCoy says. “That is real information to take to their clients at a time when the value proposition of REALTORS® is under attack. It is so important that we embrace the work our association is doing and why consumers need to use REALTORS® and value our services.”

Why should members consider serving on a committee?

We’re 150,000 strong in Texas, and there is a plethora of information and knowledge that we all bring to the table,” Norwood says. “There is a whole host of committees—something will appeal to you in some way. I want that person who is not on a committee yet to know that we need you to get involved, because our association needs you to be a part of the decision making.”

What has been one of your committee’s accomplishments?

“One positive accomplishment of the Commercial Committee is the new Texas Association Commercial Specialist (TACS) designation,” Arriaga says. “Coming up with that designation was a way for Texas REALTORS® to provide members with the first step into the commercial world.”

What do you say to members who are on the fence?

“There are so many committee choices for any REALTOR® if you want to be involved,” Arriaga says. “Texas REALTORS® is very inclusive of everybody. If you are willing to volunteer at the state level, I would just say do it.”

What else should members know?

“Every voice matters, and every person—whether a brand-new REALTOR® or somebody who has been practicing real estate for over 20 years—there is always something to give back,” Norwood says. “The rewards of being involved as a committee member are priceless.”

“Find one thing that you are good at,” Arriaga says. “If you’re a commercial guy like me, hey, commercial is the way to go. If you’re interested in the MLS or technology, then apply for the MLS & Technology Committee—wherever you can bring your expertise.”

“Get involved,” McCoy says. “We have 150,000 members in Texas REALTORS® and are really making an impact in many areas, but we need more volunteers all the time. Your input and experiences are always welcomed and appreciated on a committee.”